LAITIUU (Inria acronyms)

List of Acronyms and Initialisms That Inria and University Use (also called the LAITIUU)

Keep in alphabetical order. Credits: this table was initiated by members of the Aviz Inria team.

Acronym Stands for Explanation
AC Agent comptable, Agence comptable
ADS Adjoint(e) au DGD-S
AER Assistant[e] d’Equipe de Recherche Project assistant, e.g. Katia Evrat for Aviz. Each AER is in charge of 3-4 EPIs
AEx Action exploratoire
ANR Agence Nationale pour la Recherche French National Funding Agency for Research
APC Article Processing Charge Article Processing Charge for Open Access (OA)
ATER Attachés temporaires d’enseignement et de recherche Post-doc position for teaching.
BAC Bacalauréat or Brigade Anti Criminalité Bacalauréat is the national exam at the end of high-school. BAC is a special police force.
BASTRI BAse des STructures de Recherche Inria Database of information on Inria projects
BCEP Bureau du Comité des Équipes Projets (formerly BCP) Small set of REPIs overseeing the scientific life of the CRI
BIL Base d’Information des Logiciels Database of software developed by Inria projects
CASA Congé et Autorisation Spéciale d’Absence Service to declare vacations and off days
CDD Contrat à Durée Déterminé Fixed term contract in France Fixed-term employment contract - Wikipedia
CDI Contrat à Durée Indéterminé Unlimited term contract in France
CDSN Contrats Doctoraux Spécifiques pour Normaliens
CE Commission d’évaluation
CEA Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique Nuclear Energy Research Center, doing research on everything related to nuclear power, including CS, biology, physics, chemistry, etc. has 1 joint Inria team (Parietal), see
CEP Comité des Équipes Projets, formerly CP Meeting of all the team leaders every month
CEP Comité des Équipes Projets, formerly CP Meeting of all the team leaders every month
CER Comité d’éthique pour la recherche The French IRB, for non-medical research. Also see CPP, COERLE, IRB.
CFDT Confédération française démocratique du travail Worker union
CGT Confédération Générale du Travail Worker union
CHSCT or CNHSCT Comité National Hygiène Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail Committee in charge of our working conditions, health, security Comité d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail — Wikipédia
CMAP Centre de MAthématiques APpliquées Applied math department of École Polytechnique, hosts joint Inria teams Page d'accueil | Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique French National Research Center. Description here French National Centre for Scientific Research - Wikipedia, See also
COERLE Comité opérationnel d’évaluation des risques légaux et éthiques Inria’s IRB, which also deals with legal issues. Also see CER, CPP, IRB.
CoSI Commission scientifique interne, composée des ADS, du DGD-S, des DS et des DSA.
CP Comité des Projets Former name of CEP, meeting of all the heads of the Inria teams. Typically per centre.
CPP Comité de protection des personnes The French IRB, for medical research. Also see CER, COERLE, IRB.
CPU Conférence des Présidents d’Université Organization of the presidents of universities in France
CR Chargé de Recherche / Centre de recherche Equivalennt to assistant prof. at Inria or CNRS (no teaching required).
CRCN Chargé de Recherche de Classe Normale New name for CR
CRI Centre de Recherche Inria A center like Saclay, see Central Authentication Service
CS Conseil scientifique
CTI Comité technique Inria
CUMIR Commission Utilisateurs des moyens informatiques Recherche Inria
CVEC Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus New fee foreign students will have to pay, see
DCR Directeur ou directrice de centre recherche
DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German National Funding Agency for Research
DG Direction Générale Inria’s Management Team Central Authentication Service
DGD Direction Générale Déléguée Inria’s High-level management team Central Authentication Service
DGD-S Directeur ou directrice général(e) délégué(e) à la science
DP ? something having to do with accounting
DR Directeur de recherche (Research Director) The grade equivalent to full professor at Inria and CNRS.
DS Délégué Scientifique Scientific director of the CRI (Currently Dominique Chapelle for Saclay)
DSI Direction des systèmes d’information The people in charge of computer security and dealing with phishing emails, among other things.
DSA Délégué Scientifique Adjoint Adjunct Scientific Director of the CRI (Currently Sylvie Boldo for Saclay)
DRH Direction des Ressources Humaines Head of human resources
DU Directeur d’Unité Directory/head of any research unit like lab, project-team, department, etc.
ED École Doctorale Doctoral school, PhD students are affiliated to one Doctoral School, at Aviz, usually the CS ED of Université Paris-Sud (soon Paris-Saclay).
ENS Paris Saclay École Normale Supérieure de Saclay (formerly Cachan) Prestigious research center, merging with Univ. Paris Saclay. Has joint teams with Inria.
ENSTA École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Engineering school located on the Polytechnique Campus. Has one joint team with Inria (Poems).
EPC Equipe Project Commune An EPI (see below) that has dual affiliation (or more), e.g. with a university.
EPI Equipe Project Inria A project team like Aviz or Ilda
EPST Établissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique Administrative status of Inria and other research organizations in France Public Scientific and Technical Research Establishment - Wikipedia
ERC European Research Council Generally used to refer to ERC grants.
FET Future and Emerging Technologies First part of the names several European funding programs Horizon 2020
GEF Gestion des EFfectifs Database of Inria-related staff
GRH Gestionnaire des Ressources Humaines
HAL Hyper Articles on Line An archive for all publications funded by France
HDR Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Qualifying exam for MdC and CR to be able to apply to become Full Professor at a French University or Directeur de Recherche at a French EPST
IES Information et Edition Scientifique Scientific documentation service
IGN French National Institute of Géography (Instititut Géographique National) It produces all the maps of France, and maintain all the cartographic information about France and many parts of the world. If you type in your browser, it will show-up.
INRAe Institut de Recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement Research Institute in Agronomy (food and biology), used to be INRA and confused with Inria
Inria Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique That’s where we work! But it’s not an acronym anymore, so INRIA is outdated and we’re supposed to use Inria.
IPP Institut polytechnique de Paris Merge of École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris. See Polytechnic Institute of Paris - Wikipedia
IRB Institutional Review Board Institutional review board - Wikipedia
ISFP Inria Starting Faculty Position Assistant prof. from Inria but not civil servant, see Inria Starting Faculty Position (ISFP) | Inria
ITA Ingénieurs, techniciens et personnels administratifs Support people at Inria (and in other similar organizations), i.e., non researchers.
LISN Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique CS department of Paris-Saclay University (although there is also the LMF)
LIX Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’X CS department of École Polytechnique (a.k.a l’X), located in the Turing building, has joint Inria teams
LRI Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Former (before 01/01/2021) CS department of Univ. Paris-Sud and Paris-Saclay. Has joint Inria teams.
MdC or MCF’ Maître de Conférences Assistant Professor in France.
MESRI Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
MODOP Mode opératoire, modus operandi
OA Open Access Publication that can be accessed freely online.
ODJ Ordre du jour Agenda
PEDR Prime d’encadrement doctoral et de recherche Bonus given for 4 years to deserving researchers who agree to teach 64 hours a year in addition to their research, or to deserving professors who teach anyway.
PEPR new mechanism for organizing and funding national research projects Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche | ANR, they are thematic, funded through ANR, and Inria is in charge of a few of these thematic projects. This one would be dedicated to those twin cities, digital replicas of existing cities.
PLF Projet de Loi de Finance Provisional Budget of France.
PRE Projet de recherche exploratoire
PV Procès Verbal Minutes
PVI Procès Verbal d’Installation Paper signed when you start at Inria
RADAR Nouveau RAWEB New name for the RAWEB
RAWEB Rapport d’Activité Web See
REPI or REP Responsable d’Equipe Projet Inria A team leader
RH Ressources Humaines Human resources
RTT Réduction du Temps de Travail Réduction du temps de travail en France — Wikipédia
SAER Service des Assistantes d’Equipe de Recherche Manages the AERs
SAF Service Administratif et Financier Direction of finances (they manage our budget)
SED Service d’Expérimentation et de Développement You can ask them an engineer for a limited time to help you.
SD Service des dépenses ? Also see SMD.
SG Service Généraux Call them when you need to move stuff around, have a white board, fix something. Use https:://
SGPI bureau of the prime ministry in charge of overseeing these research funding plans Secrétariat général pour l'investissement (SGPI) |
SIC Service Informatique Commun Computer support. Contact them through https:://
SMD Service Mutualisé des Dépenses They pay what we order and reimburse our missions. Also see SD.
SRH Service des Resources Humaines Human Resource Department at Inria
SRP Starting Research Position Inria position, up to 3 years, for starting researchers.
STIP Service Transfert, Innovation et Partenariats Tech Transfer and in charge of contracts
TD Travaux dirigés Labs in contrast to Courses
TER ?? recherche A type of research project course that gives 5 ECTS (credits)
TP Travaux pratiques Even more applied Labs than TD, hands-on teaching sessions
UE Unité d’Enseignement = a course for students
UVSQ Université de Versailles à Saint Quentin University of Versailles now part of Paris Saclay